What is Outercourse ?
Simply put, outercourse is genital to genital stimulation without penetration.
For a more scientific definition see - https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/outercourse
What is a Plasto-Bed ?
The Plasto-Bed was designed to facilitate male and female sexual stimulation using outercourse through a clean safe respectful methodology.
The intention of experimenting with this kind of technology is for its possible use within a government regulated sexual services industry.
The Plasto-Bed consists of the following three components:
1 - Air Mattress (which sits on the floor)
2 - Small TV Tray style table (with curved legs that are secured under the mattress)
3 - Large Roll of household plastic wrap (which is draped over the table & mattress)
The Plasto-Bed is designed to operate with the female on the bottom and the male on top in the standard "missionary-style" position.
The intention of the Plasto-Bed is to enable intimate contact - kissing and genital to genital stimulation and orgasm - without the transmission of bodily fluids between